What a mesmeric scenery is that?   
Rustling leaves drifting their home
In the beam of gloaming twilight! 
Million and more things to count
In this breathtaking phase of fall;
Is this the delightful summer's fond adieu or
The pale winter's cosy greetings?
A crisp fall day with a warm cup of tea,
A quill pen and chronicle diary,
Would be a blissful paradise for a poet!
Gazing at the dusk through crumbly fallen leaf,
The glowing rays of light penetrate through
The iris of the eyes in a harmonic way
Which comforts one's mourning heart!
In the adorable autumn,
A playful squirrel heisted walnuts and hazelnuts
And hid them in the earth as a defence for winter,
Oh that poor thief! For he has forgotten his hidden treasure!
And therefore, Every autumn is filled with numerous trees which made a poetic heart rejoice! 



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