

You were the most evocative Chapter in my book Though I'm a fugitive one line Moral of the story that You quickly glance to bestow Amiability to your succeeding heather. You were beyond worth a king's ransom Quill pen that I preserve and I'm a dispersed spilt ink you brush off. You are every poem that I compose And I'm the inconspicuous scribble When your pen ranout of ink. You are my whole blossomed spring's garden, I'm a dried autumn leaf float Far away from your doorstep. You are something that lit my twinkle And I ponder will I come across Your mind just for once.

A little voyager

Oh Little Bird! Little Bird! Why are your eyes blurred? What is the mysterious puzzle  On your heart?  Oh you fascinating feathered one,  Unbelievably alluring are you: What are you still pondering about?  Look at your wings slashing the whirlwind! Oh you're a little voyager, aren't you? You travel across the seas and lands, Wouldn't the tricky puzzle inside your Wonderstruck heart have already begone?  Oh look at you, widening your wings, Widening your dauntlessness!  when you simmer down at a timber, Aren't you the one that attracts a living soul to peer at? Oh you are the fire which Tricked my heart to call you love! What a brainy bird are you!


What a mesmeric scenery is that?    Rustling leaves drifting their home In the beam of gloaming twilight!  Million and more things to count In this breathtaking phase of fall; Is this the delightful summer's fond adieu or The pale winter's cosy greetings? A crisp fall day with a warm cup of tea, A quill pen and chronicle diary, Would be a blissful paradise for a poet! Gazing at the dusk through crumbly fallen leaf, The glowing rays of light penetrate through The iris of the eyes in a harmonic way Which comforts one's mourning heart! In the adorable autumn, A playful squirrel heisted walnuts and hazelnuts And hid them in the earth as a defence for winter, Oh that poor thief! For he has forgotten his hidden treasure! And therefore, Every autumn is filled with numerous trees which made a poetic heart rejoice!     

Tales of whiskers

I have a cat who is namely 'Tom'  He is a cat who never lets anyone to pat! He feels proud of himself when I  Call him "cat burglar"! His walks filled with pride with  Those tiny little paws, Of course, he has no flaws! He looks like a lion which is little Who never Let the bell in his collar to settle! I wonder how does he fits himself in boxes And never imagined little spaces! He makes the ailurophiles(cat persons) To think that they have a blessed pair of ears to hear his pretty meownings! He only sleeps in fluffy pillows which  Makes me question "isn't he already fluffy?"  He makes a saying come true, that is,           "A DOG IS ALWAYS A PROSE                BUT A CAT IS A GOOD POETRY"                                                                    

Let's be our home

Sitting on the rooftop,  asking the night's glow not to stop; almost I felt that I had been hushed, getting caught in everyone's rush! Longing to feel at home, shunning the roam inside heart, wanting the stay with you! Loving is never difficult ,  it has the splendid miracle, will you let me stay in this gloom? I've been wondering recently, is this the feeling the ancient poets told? about the heart being sold for the price of love! or the dawn's promise to earth ? Whenever I get ill of world,  exhausting from all kind of hurl, will thee let me stay with thee? I know you've been feeling the same,  for a long time in this flame, come, let us be our home! 

Mother earth

Behold, The Gorgeously sculpted queen , Is resting herself again!  she has always planted the kindness in her veins! She has always been survived the horrible disasters and breathtaking pandemics  for billions of years which you and I have never imagined! Isn't she's still perfectly splendid?    I am running out of words to describe her beauty! She gave us a home to live, Love to share, Though what have we done to her? We are still fighting over the beautiful colors she  gave to our skins and name it "racism!" and battling over our traditions and calling it "religion!" Creating harm to animals and terming it "fashion!" Is it one or two to keep count for the hurt we gave to her! Isn't it still a wonder that she is loving us! Come let's go to our joyful world again where there's no harm to anyone You and I, we can make her bloom again!  When she wakes up, let her know that we're still the same one in

An ocean of stars

I quickly glanced through The nightsky of glittering Jewels named stars! I began to stun of the sky's Wonders and mystic things Which are never enough For a dreaming soul ,  At that time , a weary bird, From deep down from my heart, Spread it's wonderful wings! When it's about to fly  Through the air, it said to me, "The weary time of all  My life is not anymore when  I see the millions of stars here!  I won't wait until the dawn  Arrives to my home while  The beautiful moon waits  For me up above! So come  Let's fly!   I wondered and began to fly  With my wings of million dreams And I reach the sky of very high!  I took a star in my hand and  Regard that I became a one!  And the sun came to me to  Wish a good day and I woke up And realised it was dream , but I told the bird inside myself "let's go grab that rocking star today!'